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Kritikker (3)
Walter S.
Very elegant composition with the halve-crest of the beach pointing to the tower. I also like the special mood you have captured with subtle, but great colors.

In my opinion, the beach-line could be closer to the bottom of the image, to guide the centre of attention more on to the water / tower, than on the foreground. I would suggest a crop below, approximately up to where the rocks on the right side start.

Anyway, I like you image very much - it has "soul"!

Best regards,
Tomas D.
Thanks for your opinion..i agree that bottom line looks little bit boring:)
Thanks for comment
Roar K.
Stille og fint i godt lys der romjulsbadere glimrer med sitt fravær.
What about cut the upper 1/4 and turn the pic. så U get the trees to the left to check ot that composition?

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