''...i´ll go''
Says the song...
''...if i´ve done something wrong, i guess i´ll go...far...hidden...never to be found...''

I´m working that picture now, that´s the base, so any impresion or subjestion is going to be really apreciate.
tusen takk.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects.No photoshop.No laboratory manipulation.One shot
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Kritikker (12)
Erlend M.

I like it! Matches the title perfect.. It's too bad that her head got cut in the top..
Espen G.

Hola Ferran, Que tal?

Good shot and excellent technique. This is in my opinion your best one so far in this series. Not too surreal and not too much cropping things out.

Nils B.

First of all i would like to thank you for your honest critisicm.
The Picture i as always nice with good contrasts. But appairs on my screen a bit to light.
mvh Nils
Avsluttet .

Thank u for your opinion on my picture.
You are a very good, well rounded photo artist.(I use the word artist!)

I like your picture, it has good depth.
And you think about flying to a better place...I like the feeling...

But you should really show the whole body.

Keep up the good work.

Jo Nguyen
Marcelo V.

Esta foto me gusto mucho.Hermoso cuerpo de mujer y la luz esta bien. Buen balance en la foto.
Jostein M.

Again a very beautiful picture. Your technic is very nice Ferran. You are the only one doing pictures like this on Foto.no. Its alway nice to sit and wait for the next picture.
Reg Jostein
Torgeir E.

Que pasa señor Lobera

You certainly prove yourself as a high-class artist Ferran. To get the results you display ''old school style'' without any digital intervention takes skill. Your pictures are of an exceptional quality and you present them in a preeminently and tasteful way. You should consider to apply for an exhibition in one of our art galleries and display your works of art to a bigger audience.

The dark background to the left emphasize the feeling that the whoman is walking towards the light into the sunset. Your eyes glide naturally from the left to the right. By makeing (one half) the foreground with the whoman ''dark'' and (the other half) the background with the sunset ''light'', you make a close and personal connection with the viewer. The trick is to do it right and make that connection. In this case I think you have done beautifully.
Personally the whoman makes me think of a mermaid entity floating across the water away to a better place....

However you should make a new scan...

B-Real Homez
Karl Øystein L.

Another masterpiec by a great artist. I love your images. The only negative thing with this image is that you cropped of the models head. How do the glass reflection between different image tecnique. I would love to learn how to do that. Cheers Karl
Ferran C.

Takk til alle, your coments really motivate me.
i will really think about keep all whole body,Thanks.

Til N.B.H: It was my intention enhance her with a bit overbright trying too express somehow plenty of life and ilusions inside her for a new begining somewhere else, but i´m agree, probably should be a bit less intens, and maybe play the left side of her with more shadows.Thanks.

Til T.E: You really capted all the composition story. I´m going to try to find some place in Stavanger to expose a few pictures (well, i´m talking about small and popular places like Cafes, Bars, restaurants,....is going to be my first time so....)but of course i would like it in an art gallery, so if you want i could send you some pictures for you to wacth and decide, well, anything just write me in the e-mail. Thanks.

Til K.Ø.L: It´s quite simple the tecnic, more dificult is get the results you expect, but that´s only practise.
You have two subjects, one front the other, then just put a glass between and play them with diferent lights intensity enhancing more or less as you like it. You will see the background and on the glass the reflection of the opposite subject.

Roy S.

Lovely. You are just gettimg better. But as Erlend I agree that the croping of the head isn´t good. And there´s someting wrong with the ballance of the picture. Maybee if you put the woman futher in. (Make her a bit smaller) ?
Avsluttet .

Ze piece da resistancè!
I Love This Picture,it is great and qualifies
as art!
Keep On Creating and you are on your way!

Fredrik S.

I'll really love our women & how you use them to blend them in using your technique. I chose to comment this picture 'cos I'm a sucker for redheads.
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